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Throughout the year we report on our work, including the various ways we generate funds to meet community needs. Last month we announced the Annual Campaign result, and just last week we wrote about an example of special project funding. But this is the time of year when we prepare for our AGM and reflect back on the totality of our work, including fundraising. We are very pleased to announce that we raised a combined $14.2 million to address needs locally, in our partnership region in Israel, and in Jewish communities in need around the world!
The $14.2 million is comprised of the following:
We would like to thank the donors, fund holders, volunteer leaders, canvassers and partner agencies who placed their trust in us and made this possible.
Over the past three years, our 2020 Strategic Priorities have guided every aspect of what we do. We have grown increasingly sophisticated in how we approach our work, from community planning to working with donors to collaborating in new ways with our partners.
The 2020 Strategic Priorities have guided our community planning processes, and prompted us to diversify our revenue streams to meet community needs more effectively. As a result, Jewish Federation is generating more financial resources than ever before. And we are raising them differently by working with donors, fund holders and partner agencies in innovative ways.
For example, during the 2018 Federation Annual Campaign we enhanced our work with donors who have the capacity to make additional gifts to fund specific programs that meet high-priority community needs aligned with our 2020 Strategic Priorities. In some cases, we collaborated with our partners on this and, as a result, they received additional funding for their programs – above and beyond their Annual Campaign allocations.
The growth in our fundraising parallels the growth in our relationships with our donors and fund holders. Based on our knowledge of community, our strategic approach, and the strength of our relationships, donors turn to us as the partner in all of their Jewish community philanthropy.
The great work that is happening in our community would not be possible without our partners, and we celebrated them at our annual Partner Agency Appreciation event yesterday afternoon at the Sidney and Gertrude Zack Gallery at the JCC. A successful Annual Campaign means we are all better positioned to address community needs, so we ask the boards of each partner to support the full scope of community needs by making a gift to the Federation Annual Campaign.
We are very pleased to announce that 10 boards achieved 100% participation: Congregation Beth Israel, Camp Hatikvah, Jewish Family Services, Richmond Jewish Day School, Shalhevet Girls High School, Tikva Housing Society, Vancouver Holocaust Education Centre, Vancouver Jewish Film Festival, Vancouver Hebrew Academy, and White Rock South Surrey Jewish Community Centre. King David High School had over 90% participation. Kol hakavod and a huge todah rabbah to them all!
It all adds up to having a lot to celebrate, so we hope you will join us at our Annual General Meeting on June 18th to do just that.
We will also be honouring our volunteer leaders and outgoing communal professionals for their contributions to Jewish Federation and to the community.
Karen James, our Board chair, is finishing her term and we are so proud to honour her and her many accomplishments.

Stephen Gaerber will receive the Arthur Fouks Award, which recognizes leaders who demonstrate dedication to the goals and principles of the Jewish Federation and who provide outstanding leadership to the Annual Campaign.
Megan Laskin will receive the Elaine Charkow Award for ongoing Women's Philanthropy leadership and outstanding involvement in the Annual Campaign.
Sam Heller, executive director of Hillel BC, will receive the Young Leadership Award for outstanding leadership in the Jewish community.
We will also recognize Jason Murray, the outgoing chair of the Local Partnership Council of our advocacy agent, the Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs.
There are several Jewish communal professionals concluding their terms at our partner agencies whom we are delighted to recognize:
- Richard Fruchter, CEO of Jewish Family Services
- Rabbi Abramchik and Rabbi Kamin, Rosh Yeshiva of Pacific Torah Institute
- Cathy Lowenstein, Head of School at Vancouver Talmud Torah
Finally, we are very pleased to welcome Ambassador Barkan, who will be attending the AGM as part of his last visit to Vancouver before he completes his term as Israel’s Ambassador to Canada.
The AGM isn’t the only great event we have coming up.
Our Connect Me In initiative is launching in North Vancouver starting this Sunday. Come meet Hannah Yerington, our North Vancouver outreach worker, on June 2nd at Hearthstone Brewery Tap + Forno for Schmooze & Brews. It’s a great opportunity to connect with other Jews in North Vancouver, and to tell us about the kinds of programming you want in your community. It’s an all-ages venue, so families are welcome. If you live on the North Shore, we hope to see you there. If you have friends or family on the North Shore, please spread the word to them.
Shabbat Shalom,
Ezra S. Shanken
Jewish Federation of Greater Vancouver |