2013–14 Highlights


Axis is Jewish Federation’s program for young adults committed to building a vibrant, young Jewish community in Metro Vancouver. It was launched in June 2013. In addition to hosting a number of social events, Axis launched a Leadership Lab initiative in January 2014, which brought participants together for seven interactive and practical sessions, to help hone personal, professional and community leadership skills.


JHub Richmond opened its doors to the community in March 2014. It was developed in response to the 2010 report by Jewish Federation, with input from Jewish service providers, seniors and family caregivers, on ways to enable seniors to successfully age in place. Although the initial thought was to focus on seniors, during the two-year planning process the participating Richmond organizations recognized a valuable opportunity to expand the hub scope, and provide other services directed toward children, youth and families.


The Jewish Education Task Force has now concluded the first part of the strategic planning process. Over the next few months, they will be undertaking consultations with community stakeholders. This input will inform the development of specific recommendations to be contained in the final report. It is expected that the final report will be released in the spring of 2015.