
One of Jewish Federation’s most critical roles is that of collaborative community planner. Our Planning Council works with partner agencies, subject-matter experts and community leaders to identify and study new and emerging issues. Through this approach of engaging community stakeholders, we set priorities in the areas of social services, Jewish education, arts and culture, community building, seniors and youth that reflect the needs of our community.


This was a new planning process undertaken last year to provide Federation with a roadmap to support Jewish education and identity initiatives, in response to demographic, social, cultural and technological changes taking place across North America. The Task Force, chaired by Rob Greenwald and Risa Levine, brought together a diverse group of committed community volunteers to set priorities, research best practices in other jurisdictions and guide the development of strategies and resources to strengthen the reach and impact of Jewish education in our community. The resulting framework will help shape our actions, resource generation and allocation, and professional support to the formal and informal Jewish education sectors.

Facilitating Inclusion for Families and Children with Special Needs

This is a new strategic priority for Federation’s Planning Council. A working group composed of parents, professionals and community volunteers is exploring ways to increase access to Jewish educational, social and recreational opportunities for all children and youth.